
We Asked 100 Pitt Students What WVU Stands For

Staff Writers Sep 13, 2024
We Asked 100 Pitt Students What WVU Stands For
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Here’s what they said:


  1. West Virginia’s Undies
  2. Woefully Vast Underworld
  3. Women Vote? Ugh
  4. Western Virginia University
  5. West Vermin University
  6. West Vagrant University
  7. West Viagra University
  8. West Vegetable University
  9. We Vomit Unanimously
  10. Whale Vasectomy Union
  11. Were Velociraptors United?
  12. Warm & Vaguely Unkempt
  13. Worn Vintage Underwear
  14. Why Violet Ukulele?
  15. Worshiping Violent Utilitarianism
  16. Weasel Victims Unanimous
  17. Won’t Vaccinate University
  18. Where Vacuum? Upstairs
  19. Wisconsin Vermont Utah
  20. Warranted Violence Unites
  21. Wagyu Valued Udders
  22. Willingly Vivacious Uglies
  23. Wicked Vicious Unwanted
  24. Warzone Vacation Unfortunately
  25. Wicked Von Ubroadway
  26. Whose Vulva? Urmom’s
  27. Wink! Vestibule Uniting?
  28. Warts? Very Unsettling
  29. Weaklings & Vagrants United
  30. Warthog Vwarthog Uwarthog
  31. Wiggly Vermin Undergrads
  32. Welcoming Voyeuristic Urinals
  33. Wistfully Valued Urbanism
  34. Winter Vest Uniform
  35. We’re Very Unwise
  36. Wolves Versus Us
  37. Wombats Versus Us
  38. Weevils Versus Us
  39. Weasels Versus Us
  40. Wasps Versus Us
  41. We Visit Uruguay
  42. Worst Virus Uever
  43. Work Vape Undulate
  44. Worse Vape Users
  45. Weed Vape Utility
  46. Weird Vultures Universe
  47. Wmambo Vnumber Ufive
  48. Wasted Vegetables Unplugged
  49. Wasp Voodoo University
  50. Wolverhampton Vanderers UC
  51. Wild Vestibules Unhinged
  52. Woofenshmirtz Vevil Uncorporated
  53. When Vampires Unionize
  54. We Vape Uncannily
  55. We’re Very Upset
  56. Weni Vidi Uici
  57. Weasels & Voles, Unite!
  58. Wild Viagra Users
  59. Worst Vibes Uver
  60. Wolves Vampires Unfriendly
  61. Weaklings Vindicate Urinals
  62. We’re Very Unaccomplished
  63. Wsponge Vbob Usquarepants
  64. Wplease Venmo Us (5 dollars Neal Brown)
  65. Weat Vshit Upitt
  66. Wittle Vigilante Unit
  67. Watermelon Variety Utopia
  68. Wobbly Virtual Unicorns
  69. Whimsical Vegetable University
  70. Wacky Vacation Umbrella
  71. Wildly Vocal Underwater
  72. Wizard’s Vacation Unlimited
  73. Wandering Viking Umpires
  74. World’s Very Unuseful
  75. Wave-Visor Uplift
  76. Witty Ventriloquist Upstart
  77. ‘Wurst Vendors Union
  78. Working Ventricular Unit
  79. Winning Vigilante Unit
  80. We’re Very Ugly
  81. Woke Vote Union
  82. We Visualize UFOs
  83. Worthwhile Victories Unfound
  84. Waves of Vibrant Understanding
  85. Wildlife Victimizers Um…
  86. Wisdom and Value Undercuts
  87. Woah! Vicious Uppercut!
  88. Wrongfully Voided Utilities
  89. We’re Very Ubiquitous
  90. Wandering Visionary Urchins
  91. Wrestling Velociraptors Underground
  92. We Visited Uzbekistan
  93. Weekly Victories in UNO
  94. Watery Visage…Unsettling
  95. Washed Vehicles Unite
  96. Watershed Valued Urbanization
  97. Welcome Visitors! Unpack!
  98. Wildly Violent Understanding
  99. Wholeheartedly Vindictive Unicycles
  100. Wage variation Uncool